The Church of the Savior at Berestove is open to the public

18 квітня 2022 року, у Міжнародний день всесвітньої спадщини та в День пам’яток історії та культури України, Національний заповідник «Києво-Печерська лавра» після майже піврічної перерви відкрив для відвідувачів храм Спаса на Берестові.

A Social Media Campaign #ARTvsWAR. Let’s join!

On April 18 (World Heritage Day), the European External Action Service is launching #ARTvsWAR, an awareness-raising social media campaign focusing on the fate of cultural heritage and the resilience of the cultural sector of Ukraine during the war.

Financial assistance in the field of culture

The State Agency of Ukraine for Arts and Art Education has opened a current account with Oschadbank JSC to raise funds in national and foreign currency from individuals and legal entities, residents and non-residents, as a charitable donation, or a charitable grant.

Civil society unites its efforts to support Ukraine's endangered heritage

At the initiative of the international non-governmental organizations Global Heritage Fund, Europa Nostra, OurWorldHeritage and with the support of the Heritage Emergency Response Initiative, a museum defense initiative created to save Ukraine's cultural and historical heritage, museum collections, humanitarian aid in the face of the invasion of russian troops on the territory of Ukraine, on March 31, 2022 an online webinar was held dedicated to the current situation in the field of cultural heritage in Ukraine. 

