The National preserve "Kyiv-Pechersk lavra" Visitation Rules
Rules and Regulations for the Visitors of the Territory and Exposition Premises of the National Preserve “Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra” |
1. General Provisions 1.1. Rules and Regulations for the visitors of the territory and exposition premises of the National Preserve “Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra” (hereinafter referred to as “Rules” and “Preserve”, consequently) set up rules of visitation of the museum institution, basic rights, responsibilities and principles of behavior of its attendees. |
1.2. The Rules have been worked out on the basis of the Constitution of Ukraine, the Laws of Ukraine on Museums and Museology”, “Tourism”, “Culture”; “Information”, “Print Media (Press) in Ukraine”, “Information Agencies”, “Television and Radio Broadcasting”, “State Support of Mass Media and Social Protection of Journalists”, the Decree of the President of Ukraine on the “Regulation of the National Institution of Ukraine” (№ 451 of June 16, 1995); the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on the “Approval of the List of Paid Services that can be Provided by the Cultural Institutions of State and Communal Forms of Property” (№ 1271 of December 12, 2011); the Order of the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine on the “Realization of the Right for Visiting Institutions, Organizations and Entities, Subordinate to the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine, on Favorable Conditions” (№ 2302 of November 13, 2020); the Regulation of the National Preserve “Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra”, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine (№ 2390 of December 16, 2020); the Instruction on the “Organization of the Admission, On-Site and Patrolling Regimes in the Territory of the National Preserve “Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra” approved by the administrative Order of the National Preserve “Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra” (№ 04-07/97 of June 14, 2019). |
1.3. The following Rules apply to all visitors of the Preserve despite their nationality, gender, religion, age or purpose of the visit. |
1.4. The entrance to the Preserve and its exposition premises is open daily from 9am to 6pm (box offices that sell tickets for the observation of the exposition premises are open till 5pm). If necessary, the schedule of opening hours of the Preserve may change. In this case a separate administrative Order is issued. |
1.5. The Preserve reserves the right to close all exposition premises or separate exhibition halls not least because of the technical reasons. |
2. Admission of Journalists and Other Media Representatives to the Territory of the Preserve |
2.1. While conducting their professional duties (including audio or video shooting made with the help of necessary technical means), journalists and other media representatives have the right to enter the territory of the Preserve. The entrance to the museum institution is free of charge for them upon the obligatory submission of the document that certifies their professional identity (journalist’s certificate, thematic task given by the editorial staff etc.). |
2.2. Journalists and mass media workers also have the right for the footage of the programs and reports, once the relevant letter, which specifies the terms and place of the shooting as well as the list of the personnel involved in these activities, is sent and agreed upon by the Administration of the Preserve. Special letter addressed to the authorities of the Preserve or a separate Contract signed between the two sides are also needed provided that the vehicles of the journalists have to enter the territory of the Preserve or there is the necessity to connect to the power lines of the entity. |
2.3. The broadcasting of the public events and festive religious services is conducted by a relevant TV channel on the basis of the relevant letter (specifying the purpose of the shooting and the list of personnel involved) sent to the Preserve in advance and/or a separate Contract signed with the museum institution. |
2.4. Journalists and other media workers have the right for the audience with the Administration of the Preserve by appointment. |
3.1. Admission to the the Preserve is possible only through its entry passages situated in its territory, namely: - the Gate of the Trinity Gate Church (9, Lavrska Str.); - the Economic Gate of the Church of All Saints (Lavrsky Lane); and - the South Gate (Blyzhniopecherna Str.). |
3.2. Admission to the territory of the Preserve and its exposition premises is possible only upon the submission of the relevant ticket, the document that gives the right for entry or the permission of the Administration of the Preserve. |
3.3. According to the schedule approved by the Administration of the Preserve, the entrance to the territory of the museum institution is free in time of religious services conducted in the Dormition Cathedral and the Refectory Church. |
3.4. The sale of tickets is carried out through the box offices of the Preserve located at the entry passages. |
3.5. The entrance to the state and cultural institutions located in the territory of the Preserve is possible during the working days and opening hours of these entities. While entering the Preserve, the employees show their ID cards and the visitors present relevant tickets. The entrance to the Preserve is also possible upon the permission of the Administration of the institution. |
3.6. Access to the territory of the National Academy of Culture and Arts Management is possible on the working days and opening hours of the entity upon the submission of the document identifying the Academy’s employee, students’ ID card/record book or the permission of the Administration of the Preserve. |
3.7. The entrance to the Preserve is free of charge for all visitors on the days specified in Annex 1 to these Rules. |
3.8. Every last Sunday of the month the entrance to the territory of the Preserve is free of charge for the definite categories of citizens specified in Annex 2 to these Rules. |
3.9. Free entrance to the territory of the Preserve and its exposition premises is given to the categories of citizens listed in Annex 3 to these Rules. |
3.10. Groups of children or organized groups of school pupils (aged under 16) are allowed to enter the territory of the Preserve and its exposition premises only under adult supervision. The supervisors have to acquaint the children with these Rules and they bear personal responsibility for their observation. The supervisors are also responsible for the safety of children during the whole period of their stay in the territory of the Preserve. |
3.11. Organized groups of visitors have the right to enter the territory of the Preserve and its exposition premises upon the presentation of the Contract for the Provision of Excursion Services concluded between the Administration of the Preserve and relevant tourist company. They can also enter the entity if they buy appropriate tickets, or get relevant permission from the Administration of the Preserve. |
4. Rights and Responsibilities of the Visitors |
4.1. While visiting the Preserve and its exposition premises the visitors have the right to: |
4.1.1. Explore the territory of the Preserve and its exposition premises being part of the excursion group, by themselves, using the services of the individual guide etc. |
4.1.2. Make the reservation for the excursion or other type of guidance no later than one day before its date; |
4.1.3. Conduct professional photo and video shooting in the territory of the Preserve or the interior of the exposition premises being an individual visitor or a member of the excursion group. |
4.2. The visitors of the Preserve and its exposition premises are obliged to: |
4.2.1. Show respect to the exposition items, buildings, constructions and other properties of the Preserve. |
4.2.2. Communicate quietly and follow the requirements set up by these Rules. |
4.2.3. Meet legitimate demands of the employees of the Preserve and the staff of the State Security Service of Ukraine referring to the maintenance of civil order in the territory of the museum institution and its exposition premises. |
4.2.4. Keep purchased tickets and present them to the employees of the Preserve upon their request. |
4.2.5. Leave the territory of the Preserve and its exposition premises before the closure of the entity. |
4.3. Conduct professional photo and video shooting in the territory of the Preserve or in the interior of the monuments and exposition premises provided there is the relevant Contract previously signed with the Administration of the institution, or a written permission, or a corresponding ticket. |
5. Things Forbidden in the Territory of the Preserve |
It is not allowed to: 5.1. Enter the territory of the Preserve in any vehicle without special permission from the Administration of the entity. |
5.2. Move around the territory of the Preserve using different transportation means (such as, roller skates, bicycles, skateboards, playcars, etc.), with the exception of wheelchairs. |
5.3. Enter the territory of the Preserve with animals. |
5.4. Smoke in the territory of the Preserve (excluding the areas, specially designated for these purposes), drink alcohol (low-alcohol) beverages or stay intoxicated by alcohol or narcotics. |
5.5. Violate Rules of the Preserve, be noisy, act in controversy with the norms of public morality, show neglect to other visitors and employees of the Preserve. |
5.6. Use cell phones during the excursion or while staying inside the exposition premises (amateur photo or video shooting being an exception) |
5.7. Contaminate the territory of the Preserve. |
5.8. Deliver things that can make dirty the clothes of other visitors. |
5.9. Sell or distribute printed matter, souvenirs and advertising materials in the territory of the Preserve without any permission. |
5.10. Conduct unauthorized guided tours. The exclusive right to carry out the excursions is given only to the leading lectors-guides, the scientific staff of the National Preserve “Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra”, or the guides that obtained relevant written permission from the Administration of the Preserve. |
5.11. Perform actions that endanger the preserved state of historical and cultural monuments (that is, trespass cordon tapes, touch walls, museum/exposition items, approach barrier structures closer than 25 cm and touch them). |
5.12. Visit the Preserve without the supervision of the adults (for children under 12). |
5.13. Bring (deliver) weapons to the territory of the Preserve, except for the cases when it is done by the employees of the Ministry of the Internal Affairs of Ukraine, the Security Service of Ukraine or other intelligence services (relevant official ID is needed). |
5.14. Bring (deliver) explosive, volatile and flammable items to the territory of the Preserve. |
5.15. Make fire, use open or concealed flame, ignite goods. |
5.16. Trespass fenced territories. |
5.17. Walk across the green lawns and rest on them; set up picnic zones. |
5.18. Damage or wreck the facades of the historical buildings, paint/leave inscriptions on the walls of the buildings, small architectural forms (including dumpsters, litter-boxes and benches) and other constructions; stick ads, posters and other products of the informative and advertising content. |
5.19. Enter the premises that are under restoration or reconstruction. |
5.20. Place tents and other types of shelters without relative permission of the Administration of the Preserve. |
5.21. Perform any kind of household activity without proper approval documents and permission of the Administration of the Preserve. |
5.22. Be engaged in fortune telling and begging. |
5.23. Use audio equipment with sound intensifiers; sing, dance and play musical instruments without the permission of the Administration of the Preserve. |
5.24. Organize political agitation. |
5.25. Carry out entertaining events, cultural and recreational activities without the permission of the Administration of the Preserve. |
5.26. Conduct divine services, religious rites, other types of activities without written permission of the Administration of the Preserve. |
5.27. Damage the greenery. |
5.28. Enter the exposition premises with meals, drinks or large-size items. |
6. Liability for the Violation of the Rules |
6.1. If the visitor violates the Rules, he can be warned by the employees of the Preserve about the inadmissibility of such behavior. If the visitor continues violating the Rules he can be deprived of the right to stay in the territory of the Preserve by the officers of the Department of the State Guard of Ukraine or Internal Guard Service of the Preserve. The money for the ticket bought by such visitor No ticket price is compensated in this case. |
6.2. The control over the observance of these Rules is laid upon the heads of the corresponding divisions of the Preserve and the officers of the Department of the State Guard of Ukraine. |
Annex 1 to the Rules and Regulations for the visitors of the National Preserve “Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra” and its exposition premises |
to the territory of the Preserve for all categories of visitors
Free admission to the territory of the Preserve is valid for all categories of visitors on such holiday as:
1. New Year’s Day - January 1.
2. International Day of Monuments and Sights (April 18), the entrance to the exposition premises of the Preserve is also free on this day.
3. International Museum Day (May, 18); the entrance to the exposition premises of the Preserve is also free on this day.
Annex 2 to the Rules and Regulations for the visitors of the National Preserve “Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra” and its exposition premises |
of the categories of citizens that have the right for free admission
to the territory of the Preserve and its exposition premises
(the Regulation is valid every last Sunday of the month
upon the presentation of the relevant document)
1. Orphans and boarding-school children.
2. Citizens of Ukraine that have the 1st and the 2nd categories of disability.
3. Veterans of the World War II.
4. Liquidators of the disaster at the Chernobyl Atomic Power Station.
5. Ukrainian combat veterans.
6. Soldiers and sergeants of the compulsory military service of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
7. Participants of Anti-Terrorist (ATO) and Joint Forces (JFO) Operations in Ukraine.
8. School pupils of the general educational institutions of Ukraine.
9. Students of higher and secondary educational institutions of Ukraine.
10. The retired population (citizens of Ukraine).
11. Cadets of military educational institutions.
12. Employees of concert organisations, theaters and circuses.
Annex 3
to the Rules and Regulations for the visitors of
the National Preserve “Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra” and its exposition premises
of the categories of citizens that have the right for free admission
to the territory of the Preserve and its exposition premises
(the Regulation is valid upon the presentation of the relevant document)
1. Employees of the museum institutions and preserves of Ukraine, members of ICOMOS and ICOM.
2. Pre-school children.